“If” and “when” are the most detrimental words in the
English language. External influences
are dictating the way we live our lives. Instead of focusing on what is happening in
the present moment, we are always one, two or three steps ahead.
I’ll start exercising when work slows down.
If I close this deal, I’ll take that family vacation.
When I lose weight, I’ll go to the beach.
Too much emphasis is being put on one “upmanship.” We start to feel like we will miss out on something if we take a break from the rat race. Trust me; work will always be there when you get back.

While everyone is obsessing over social media feeds, they’re
procrastinating for perfection and missing the joys in life. If you’re guilty
of thinking in “if’s” and “when’s” it’s time for change.
Here are 3 things you can do this week to start living for
today instead of tomorrow.
Put down the smart phone and listen. Show the person you are speaking with that you respect them and what they have to say. Think about what they are saying and if you can, make thoughtful comments. If you don’t have anything thoughtful to say, just listen. Sometimes that’s the best thing to do anyway. Listen to everyone, but especially your children. This is one of the most important life-skills you can teach them. And, the best way to do it is to lead by example.
Take a brain dump. Exist in silence at least once a day. And, no, this doesn’t mean sitting in a quiet office staring at your computer screen. This means stepping out of your element. The best thing to do is to get outside and sit or walk quietly in nature. Each time a thought pops into your head, let it pass. The key to this exercise is not to dwell on anything. Being alone and observing which thoughts enter your mind can tell you a lot about your mental state even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day.
Count 3 blessings each night before bed. Even on the worst day, there are always things to be thankful for. Here are my three blessings for today. Rain. My boys playing together. COFFEE.
Put down the smart phone and listen. Show the person you are speaking with that you respect them and what they have to say. Think about what they are saying and if you can, make thoughtful comments. If you don’t have anything thoughtful to say, just listen. Sometimes that’s the best thing to do anyway. Listen to everyone, but especially your children. This is one of the most important life-skills you can teach them. And, the best way to do it is to lead by example.
Take a brain dump. Exist in silence at least once a day. And, no, this doesn’t mean sitting in a quiet office staring at your computer screen. This means stepping out of your element. The best thing to do is to get outside and sit or walk quietly in nature. Each time a thought pops into your head, let it pass. The key to this exercise is not to dwell on anything. Being alone and observing which thoughts enter your mind can tell you a lot about your mental state even if it’s just for 5 minutes a day.
Count 3 blessings each night before bed. Even on the worst day, there are always things to be thankful for. Here are my three blessings for today. Rain. My boys playing together. COFFEE.
Born 2 Bend.